Family Tree

Interactive LeGacy Family Tree (Plum Tree App)

Basics and Succession

Legacy Challenge

The Legacy Challenge is a form of game play for the Sims that starts with a single sim and extends into a minimum of 10 generations. Game play starts out on the largest plot of land, with approximately $1500. This means living "bear in the woods", or at least showering at the local gym for a while. The original Legacy rules have a scoring system in place and advise against the use of game modification and custom content and certainly no cheating, but I've gotten comfortable with the use of some mod files that can aid in game population and I don't think I could play without them now. For that reason, I don't use the scoring system, but I do tend to stick with some of the basic rules that have been laid out, simply to make the game play more interesting (I don't use cheats to increase family funds or motive bars, no editing sims to change negative traits or features, no saving and restarting to change a bad outcome)...and to see what happens over the time and generations of my family.

With the exception of my first sim Alycia, all my sims have been "born" in game, their features have been generated by the game (**alien disguise being the exception to this... their "normal or disguised" appearance is completely selective") and their traits have been generated by a randomizer rather than selected by me. Of course, when I get my sims out to meet someone, they can be a little selective in the "get to know" and avoid those hot heads though I do mix it up on occasion just to keep things interesting... try raising a family with someone who hates kids!! I may change hair style or tweak the colour on occasion, and I do use a life mod that adjusts the numbers of days on long lifespan as I find the normal life span too short, but traits are not open to change :) I must say, so far, I've been lucky with some attractive sims :) 

Legacy Succession Laws

Strict Matriarchy 

The Founder must be female. Only girls are eligible to be named heir. Male children cannot, under any circumstance, ever be the heir to the next generation. 

 Strict Traditional 

To be eligible to be named heir, a child must be naturally born from their previous-generation parents and be able to trace an unbroken bloodline back to the founder. Adopted children may never be named heir. 

First Born 

The oldest, by order of joining the family, eligible living child is named heir.