From carving ice sculptures as a Master Chef to chasing diamond thieves as a International Spy Hunter, Cali's life sounds like something out of a movie staring Stephen Seagal! Investing heavily into her family, Cali met comedian Marco while working on a cruise. They were soon married and worked together to expand the family home into the mansion that it is today.
Cali - Legacy Heir Geek Creative Neat
Marco Garvey Geek Genius Creative Comedian
Cali and Marco's Children
Cali and Marco had 3 children, Demi, who would continue on the family legacy, Diamond and Dexter. Diamond and Dex never had any children, choosing to remain single after leaving the family home. Diamond choose to pursue her love of the outdoors and became an angling ace, achieving top rankings in fishing.
Demi LeGacy - Legacy Heir Neat Insane Creative
Diamond Legacy Genius Music Lover Loves Outdoors
Dexter Legacy Insider Glutton Jealous
Cali and Marco expanded the family home from a small cozy home into the large mansion that it is today.